an emergent
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peter jay stein, md, ma

This 54 page synopsis of the evolution
of the Earth, the origin and progression of life, and the
emergence of humans as descendants of the hominin lineage, divides the last 4.57 billion years into progressively overlapping, imagistic, time segments, to outline our place in biological existence.
Fleagle, J. (2013). Primate Adaptation & Evolution, 3rd Edition.
Murck, B. (2001). Geology, A Self-Teacing Guide
Stringer, C (2005). The Complete World of Human Evolution
Roberts, A. (2011). Evolution: The Human Story
Rees, M., et al (Editors) (2012). Universe, The Definitive Visual Guide
Gradstein, Ogg, Ogg, and Schmitz, Editors (2012). The Geologic Time Scale 2012, Volumes 1&2
Redmond, I. (2008). The Primate Family Tree
Solomon, Berg, & Martin (2002, 2015). Biology, 6th Edition; 10th Edition
Kardong, K. (2012).Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution, 6th Edition
Internet Sources
Biology 182 Lab 40b Phylum Chordata (youtube)
Denecke, E. (2015). Let's Review: Earth Science, The Physical Setting, Fourth Edition.
PBS Nova, youtube (2015, 2016) Dawn of Humanity
Kendrick, J. (2014) The Human Story:
Center for Academic Research Training (CARTA), youtube (2012) The Upright Ape: Bipedalism and Human Origins
Center for Academic Research Training (CARTA), youtube (2012) The Upright Ape: Bipedalism and Human Origins: Comparative anatomy from Australopithecus to Gorillas
Center for Academic Research Training (CARTA), youtube (2009) Evolutionary Origins of Art and Aesthetics: Art in Neanderthal and Paleolithic Cultures
BBC Documentary, youtube (2015) The Ape That Took Over The World
The Evolution of Fish, youtube (2016)
Hall, J., (2016). Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th edition.
Breathless Through Time: How Oxygen Can Alter Evolution: youtube (2015)
Konner, M. (2010). The Evolution of Childhood: Relationships, Emotion, Mind.
Simon Fraser University, segment # 7 - Connecting Paleoecology and Climate Change: Deep Time, Global Change, and You. Barnosky, A. (2014) youtube
Lieberman, D., Human Evolution 150 Years After Darwin, Leakey Foundation. youtube, 2014
Stringer, C., The Last 2 Million Years of Human Evolution, , Royal Society of London, youtube, 2013
White, T., et al (2012). Human Osteology, 3rd Edition
Jurmain, R, et al (2017, 2013). Essentials of Physical Anthropology, 10th Edition
Prothero, D. (2017). The Princeton Field Guide To Prehistoric Mammals
Gradstein, Ogg, & Ogg, Editors (2008). The Concise Geologic Time Scale
Gradstein, Ogg, & Ogg, Editors (2016). A Concise Geologic Time Scale 2016
Nelson, D., Cox, M. (2017). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th Edition.